About Us
Illinois Society for the Prevention of Blindness is dedicated to the care, protection and preservation of sight through programs that support research, better living with low vision, and community education.

Eye Education
Learn about common problems and diseases along with proper health and safety tips.

Reimbursement Services
Learn about eligibility requirements and our partners for low vision equipment and children’s replacement glasses.

Presentations and Community Outreach
Want ISPB to provide screening and information at your event? Speak to a group about a specific topic?

Research Grants
For medical students, residents, graduate students, postdoctoral fellows, assistant professors, and other junior faculty members in Illinois.
Tramane’s Family Would Like to Thank You
Tramane is an active 10-year-old from Maywood, IL. He loves sports and plays on his school’s basketball team. A little over a year ago, his mom, Lorraine, noticed he was having difficulty seeing. His teacher also expressed concern that he couldn’t focus on the board – even when he was very close. After many tests, it was determined that Tramane has Leber’s Hereditary Optic Neuropathy (LHON), a progressive disorder that reduces vision beginning with central vision first.
Tramane and his mom visited Dr. Tracy Matchinski at the Illinois Eye Institute’s Rosenbloom Center. Both were hoping to find low vision equipment that would help improve his reading and writing. Tramane is very invested in school and hopes to be recognized as student of the month.
He was given both a telescope for distance and a portable electronic magnifier for close work. His excitement at being able to see better was contagious! He announced that his vision was so much improved, he wanted to use all his birthday money to buy the equipment. Luckily, ISPB’s grant covered it for him so he could use his birthday money for other gifts.
Illinois College of Optometry students Jannah and Sana were on hand to help choose the equipment. The experience really showed them how impactful low vision can be on a patient’s life, and how equipment can change lives for the better. Both commented that the visit with Tramane and his mom was one of the most rewarding interactions they’ve ever had.
Making an Impact in Illinois
Impact facts:

Nearly $2 million in research grants distributed since 1980.

$50,000 annually given to fund low vision equipment and youth replacement glasses.

Thousands of community members educated about eye health and safety each year.

Living Well with Low Vision
Living Well with Low Vision from Prevent Blindness makes it as easy as possible for people to learn about loss of vision and how to meet daily challenges that…

March Newsletter From ISPB & PBIL
Retinopathy of Prematurity Awareness Week February 24 – March 2 Among babies who are born prematurely in the United States, about 14,000 children will be diagnosed with ROP each year.

March is Workplace Eye Wellness Month
ISPB and Prevent Blindness Illinois (PBIL) have declared March as Workplace Eye Wellness Month. The goal of the annual observance is to provide employers and employees with important information…

ISPB grant applications are due on May 1, 2025 by midnight.
Those who are interested should visit: https://eyehealthillinois.org/research-grants/ Any questions can be emailed to efineman@preventblindness.org