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Get Involved

Are you an ophthalmologist or optometrist who would like to volunteer for one of our mobile clinics? A community member who would like to participate in health fairs or learn about eye screening training? Would you like someone to come out and give your community a presentation on a topic like aging and your eyes, common childhood eye issues or something specific like glaucoma, macular degeneration or diabetic retinopathy?

Apply through our Volunteer Application Form or Speaking Request Form

September 2024 Newsletter From ISPB & PBIL

Sports Eye Safety Month ISPB and Prevent Blindness Illinois (PBIL) have once again declared September as Sports Eye Safety Month to educate the public on the risk of painful...

September is Sports Eye Safety Month

ISPB and Prevent Blindness Illinois (PBIL) have once again declared September as Sports Eye Safety Month to educate the public on the risk of painful and potentially blinding eye...

My Retina Tracker Genetic Testing Program

Do you have a clinical diagnosis of inherited retinal degeneration (IRD) and live in the United States and/or the US territories? The Foundation Fighting Blindness, in partnership with Blueprint...

New Resources for Reducing Eye Strain from Screens

In response to increased virtual and screen-based activities during the coronavirus pandemic, ISPB and Prevent Blindness Illinois have launched a new awareness campaign,, Take a Screen Time Out. All...