The quality of the following grant applications was considered the highest by the ISPB grant reviewers and should serve as guidance to those who wish to apply. If you have any questions, please contact Elyse Fineman:
The quality of the following grant applications was considered the highest by the ISPB grant reviewers and should serve as guidance to those who wish to apply. If you have any questions, please contact Elyse Fineman:
Give the Gift of Sight Month December is Give the Gift of Sight Month at ISPB/PBIL. Become a sight-saver by donating today! For more information visit HERE Community Happenings Our...
Prevent Blindness Illinois and ISPB are joining efforts in January’s National Glaucoma Awareness Month to provide patients, care partners, and professionals with free educational resources on the eye disease....
Do you have a clinical diagnosis of inherited retinal degeneration (IRD) and live in the United States and/or the US territories? The Foundation Fighting Blindness, in partnership with Blueprint...
In response to increased virtual and screen-based activities during the coronavirus pandemic, ISPB and Prevent Blindness Illinois have launched a new awareness campaign,, Take a Screen Time Out. All...