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Financial Assistance Program for Eye Exams and Eyeglasses

February Newsletter From ISPB & PBIL

Retinopathy of Prematurity Awareness Week February 24 - March 2 Among babies who are born prematurely in the United States, about 14,000 children will be diagnosed with ROP each year.

December 2024 Newsletter From ISPB & PBIL

Give the Gift of Sight Month December is Give the Gift of Sight Month at ISPB/PBIL. Become a sight-saver by donating today! For more information visit HERE Community Happenings Our...

February is AMD Awareness Month

ISPB and Prevent Blindness Illinois (PBIL) have once again declared February as Age-related Macular Degeneration (AMD) and Low Vision Awareness Month. AMD is an eye disease that impairs central...

My Retina Tracker Genetic Testing Program

Do you have a clinical diagnosis of inherited retinal degeneration (IRD) and live in the United States and/or the US territories? The Foundation Fighting Blindness, in partnership with Blueprint...