interior Glaucoma  banner image


Detection and prevention of glaucoma was a top priority for ISPB. In the mid 1900’s, one out of every eight blind people was diagnosed with glaucoma. Because Glaucoma impacts peripheral vision it often goes undetected until significant loss has occurred. Consequently Glaucoma is often referred to as the “Sneak Thief of Sight.” However, a cure remains elusive, it can be controlled through early detection and immediate treatment so ISPB rallied to educate the public about the symptoms and the importance of screening.

In the 1960’s and 70’s, ISPB collaborated with the Lion’s Club mobile glaucoma screenings in Chicago and provided free screenings at several hospitals throughout the state of Illinois.


June 2024 Newsletter From ISPB & PBIL

Cataract Awareness Month ISPB and Prevent Blindness Illinois (PBIL) have declared June as Cataract Awareness Month to provide patients and professionals with free educational resources on cataract, a clouding...

July is Dry Eye Awareness Month

ISPB and Prevent Blindness Illinois (PBIL) are joining in support of July as Dry Eye Awareness Month to help educate the public and healthcare professionals on the eye disease...

My Retina Tracker Genetic Testing Program

Do you have a clinical diagnosis of inherited retinal degeneration (IRD) and live in the United States and/or the US territories? The Foundation Fighting Blindness, in partnership with Blueprint...

New Resources for Reducing Eye Strain from Screens

In response to increased virtual and screen-based activities during the coronavirus pandemic, ISPB and Prevent Blindness Illinois have launched a new awareness campaign,, Take a Screen Time Out. All...